2024-08-07 01:49:52
“10% off”:表示打九折。
“20% discount”:表示打八折。
“Buy one, get one free”(BOGO):买一送一。
满减(Spending thresholds):
“Spend $100, get$20 off”:消费满100美元减20美元。
“$50 off when you spend$200”:消费满200美元减50美元。
免邮(Free shipping):
“Free shipping on orders over $50”:订单满50美元免邮。
“Free standard shipping”:免费标准邮递。
限时促销(Limited-time offers):
“24-hour sale”:24小时限时促销。
“Flash sale”:短暂的促销活动,通常时间非常有限。
礼品卡和优惠券(Gift cards and coupons):
“$10 gift card with purchase”:购买时附赠10美元礼品卡。
“Coupon code ‘SAVE20’ for 20% off”:使用优惠券代码“SAVE20”享受20%的折扣。
会员专属(Member exclusives):
“Members-only sale”:仅限会员的促销活动。
“Join now and get 15% off your first order”:现在加入,首单享受15%的折扣。
捆绑销售(Bundled offers):
“Bundle and save”:捆绑购买可节省费用。
“Kit includes…”:套装包括…
季节性促销(Seasonal promotions):
“Black Friday sale”:黑色星期五促销。
“Holiday deals”:假日特惠。
清仓销售(Clearance sales):
“Clearance items up to 70% off”:清仓商品最高可享受70%的折扣。
“Last chance to buy”:最后购买机会。
返现和积分(Cash back and rewards):
“5% cash back”:返现5%。
“Earn double points on your purchase”:购买时可获得双倍积分。